Step 1- Add Device in Live Platform

This procedure describes how to manually add SBC devices to Live Platform.

Do the following:
1. Click Add and select AC Device or Multiple AC Devices.

The AC Device Details screen opens under the General tab:

2. Define an intuitive device name to facilitate operator-friendly management later. Do not use underscores in the name.
3. Provide a description of the device to facilitate operator-friendly management later.
4. From the Service drop-down list, choose the service to attach to the device. When selecting the Add Multiple Device option, all devices will be attached to the selected service.
5. Enter the device 32-bit serial number (see below):
For physical appliances: Navigate to Monitor > Summary > Device Information > Serial Number

Software SBC devices: Login to SBC FAE Page: https://<SBCLoginScreenIPAddress>/FAE -->Cmd Shell --> tpa -> enter->bi-->enter-->enter -->Copy the Short 32-bit Serial Number

6. [Optional] In the General Information field, enter a brief description of the device. For example, the site where the device is deployed.
7. Click the SNMP tab and configure one of the following:
SNMPv2: Deselect the 'Use Tenant SNMP Profile' check box and configure the Community strings: SNMP Read Community (default-public) and SNMP Write Community (default-private).

SNMPv3 (optional):

i. Un check the 'Use Tenant SNMP Profile' check box.
ii. In the 'Security Name' field, enter the name of the SNMPv3 user that you configured in Step 2- Configure SBC Device to connect to Live Platform.
iii. From the 'Authentication Protocol' drop-down, choose SHA
iv. From the 'Privacy Protocol' drop-down, choose AES_128
v. From the Security Level field, choose Authentication And Privacy
vi. In the 'Authentication Key' field, enter value that you configured in Step 2- Configure SBC Device to connect to Live Platform.
vii. In the 'Privacy Key' field, enter value that you defined in Step 2- Configure SBC Device to connect to Live Platform.
8. Click the HTTP tab.
a. Un check the 'Use Tenant SNMP Profile' check box.
b. In the 'Device Admin User' field, enter the Security user that you defined in WebSocket Tunnel Users.
c. In the the 'Device Admin Password' field, enter the Security user password that you defined in WebSocket Tunnel Users. Example: Admin, Admin.
d. From the Communication Protocol drop-down, choose HTTPS. Securing the connection between the Live Platformserver and the AudioCodes device over HTTPS is used for files upload or download and for Web Client Single-Sign On.
9. Click OK.